Eagle Valley Speech & Debate Hosts First Home Meet In Two Years
November 16, 2021
This past weekend, the Eagle Valley Speech & Debate Team hosted their first home meet in two years. Ten schools competed and EVHS students came away with a majority of the first place trophies. The meet started at 7:00 on Saturday morning and ended around 6:00; these kids are dedicated.
Kathleen Uhnavy, teacher sponsor of Speech & Debate put a lot into planning this meet. “Planning a meet involves a very long list of items from inviting schools, ordering awards, setting up the tournament structure, coming up with event topics, planning rooms, making sure you have enough food for coaches and judges, making sure you have judges from the community, and then the actual running of the meet.” Thank goodness for all of Ms. Uhnavy’s hard work because the meet was a huge success!
According to one of the captains, Gavin Doan 23′, “traditionally, we are like the biggest meet that you’re probably going to get on the western slope.” Sadly because of COVID there couldn’t be as many schools as usual. But there was still a great turnout and it was a great day.
Hosting a meet is like, “the football team hosting their homecoming game or the soccer team battling BMHS in the home stadium,” explains Ms. Uhnavy. There is a lot of pride involved.
Dani Pope 22′ says that, “I’m very proud of my team and my school. I’m very proud to represent.” With pride also comes a sense of home for competitors. “I feel like it’s a little more welcoming,” observes Summer Hill 25′, a new member of Speech & Debate.

The majority of Speech & Debate members remarked that the EVHS meet has the coolest awards of all the meets. Of course whoever wins first place gets an “esteemed” turkey hat. Pope also notes that, “we have these very beautiful glass awards, and they’re honestly some of my favorite awards.” So there was some fierce competition for these unique awards.
The Eagle Valley Speech & Debate Team is truly a group of determined and dedicated individuals. Uhnavy had lots of kind words to say about her students, “These kids are the most incredible young people with such passion, drive, and charisma.” On the other hand, together they have formed an incredible community that really cares.
Justin Vargas 23′ explains that, “We actually gained the members. I think that’s really cool, the team just works well together and everyone kind of collaborates.” That is a true testament to the wonderful attitudes and inclusivity of the team.
Looking towards the future, the CHSAA 3A State Meet is in January and Nationals in June. Doan remarks that, “I think we just have an unlimited potential to get better.” Hopefully you will be seeing the EVHS Speech & Debate team at State very soon!