Committee Hiring New Principal at Eagle Valley High School

Chloe Greener

Mr. Doan sings Metalica lyrics while the student band Trees Don’t Move plays the song’s music. This was the first assembly of the 2022-2023 school year with the new freshman and Mr.Doan sang to make it memorable for new and old students.

Caitlin Cramer

After 12 years of being the principal of EVHS, Mr.Doan announced that he will be resigning after the 2023 spring semester. This announcement has surprised many and marked the start of the search for someone to take over the duties of principal.

Mr.Doan has been a great principal, pushing the school in new directions while maintaining great relationships around the school, especially with teachers.

“He’s done so much for the school, opened up so many opportunities. Academically, he really pushed AP and DE and getting our pass rates up for AP and just brought a lot of fun to school. He does such a great job with the Pep fests and all sorts of wonderful ways about caring for each other and making school fun and memorable for all the students who are here,” said Mrs. Dewell, an economics and geography teacher.

Recently a survey was sent out to students to see who would be willing to assist teachers and administrators in this search for a new principal. They have been narrowing down the candidates. Reese McCormick, a junior at EVHS, and member of the selected student committee stated that participation is important for our new principal to continue.

“At the beginning of the school year, with our assembly, Mr.Doan literally rapped in front of everyone and made everyone excited, and…I don’t know. It’s almost as if you get to know Mr.Doan through his actions.”

Mr.Doan’s actions at the pep fests and assemblies show new and old students the passion Mr.Doan has for making the school a better place.

“I think he really cares about our school spirit and our school culture and I think that whoever
our new principal is needs to share that same passion,” said McCormick.She also said that when helping hire the new principal, she will be looking for someone who makes it a point to know everyone. Whether they’re a “good” or “bad” student, someone who’s willing to be there and support them.Similarly, Mr.Doan had some advice for the new principal. “Connect with and enjoy building relationships with the amazing community of students, parents, and staff that exists at EVHS.”

But what are teachers looking for in a new principal? Mrs. Dewell talked about bringing in new diversity that this school hasn’t seen in more than a decade.

“It’d be super cool to see a principal who is bilingual. It’d be wonderful to see a female principal because we’ve never had that at our school since I’ve been here. I’ve been here for a long time.”

The committee of students and teachers already selected their final two candidates. One of them is the current assistant principal at the school Thomas Laframboise, the other is completely new to the school. On Thursday, March 9th from 4 pm-6 pm, the school hosted a meet and greet for these candidates. The district stated that this was an opportunity for students to “engage with the candidates and leave comments.”

This opportunity for students to engage with the new principal candidates before one of them is hired was great for students who are not on the committee to still voice their opinions. Mr.Doan believes that including students in the hiring process is essential.

“They are the entire purpose for everyone’s job roles at school.”

Hopefully, the school and district listen to these students’ opinions and hire the person best suited to be the new principal. The new principal should be announced later this week.